Derivar 0

Adding new MSS options

bbruns@gmail.com 2014-07-27 21:41:22 +00:00
ascendente 4200631cb0
cometimento 1fd35cfbc0
5 ficheiros modificados com 24 adições e 16 eliminações

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
2.01 Alpha 1 - 05/29/2014
2.01 Alpha 1 - 07/27/2014
- Fix executable bits on .sh files in custom
- Make MSS clamp optional and allow setting MSS size manually
2.00 Release
- Add common options for sysctl/proc tweaking of network settings

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@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ Enablev4NetfilterModules="yes"
# Default: nf_conntrack_ftp nf_conntrack_h323 nf_conntrack_irc
# nf_conntrack_pptp nf_conntrack_proto_dccp nf_conntrack_proto_gre
# nf_conntrack_proto_sctp nf_conntrack_proto_udplite nf_conntrack_sip
# nf_conntrack_broadcast
# nf_conntrack_broadcast nf_conntrack_tftp
Loadv4NetfilterModules="nf_conntrack_ftp nf_conntrack_h323 nf_conntrack_irc nf_conntrack_pptp nf_conntrack_proto_dccp nf_conntrack_proto_gre nf_conntrack_proto_sctp nf_conntrack_proto_udplite nf_conntrack_sip nf_conntrack_broadcast nf_conntrack_tftp"
# These are loaded as well if you have Enablev4NAT set to yes
# Default: nf_nat_ftp nf_nat_h323 nf_nat_irc nf_nat_pptp nf_nat_proto_dccp
# nf_nat_proto_gre nf_nat_proto_sctp nf_nat_proto_udplite nf_nat_sip
# nf_nat_proto_gre nf_nat_proto_sctp nf_nat_proto_udplite nf_nat_sip nf_nat_tftp
Loadv4NetfilterModulesNAT="nf_nat_ftp nf_nat_h323 nf_nat_irc nf_nat_pptp nf_nat_proto_dccp nf_nat_proto_gre nf_nat_proto_sctp nf_nat_proto_udplite nf_nat_sip nf_nat_tftp"
# Default policy for filtering rules

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@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
# Interface MSS Clamping
# Use this file to set up clamp rules for interfaces
# Use tabs or single space to separate
# <interface> <mss size> <type>
# eth0 1454 fwd
# <interface> <mss size> <type> <set mss>
# eth0 1454 fwd -
# Default MSS size: 1400:1536
# Default Type: out
# You can use '-' as both mss and type, and it will use defaults
# Default Set MSS: none, use clamp
# You can use '-' as both mss, type, and set mss, and it will use defaults
# Interface is required.
# interface mss size type
eth0 - -
# interface mss size type set mss
eth0 - - -

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@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
# Interface MSS Clamping
# Use this file to set up clamp rules for interfaces
# Use tabs or single space to separate
# <interface> <mss size> <type>
# eth0 1454 fwd
# <interface> <mss size> <type> <set mss>
# eth0 1454 fwd -
# Default MSS size: 1400:1536
# Default Type: out
# You can use '-' as both mss and type, and it will use defaults
# Default Set MSS: none, use clamp
# You can use '-' as both mss, type, and set mss, and it will use defaults
# Interface is required.
# interface mss size type
eth0 - -
# interface mss size type set mss
eth0 - - -

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@ -172,16 +172,21 @@ function enable_mss_clamp {
${debug} ${DebugColor} "${FUNCNAME}:${DEFAULT_COLOR} loading"
if [ -e "${FWCONFIGDIR}/ipv${IPVER}/mss-clamp.conf" ]; then
${debug} ${DebugColor} "${FUNCNAME}:${DEFAULT_COLOR} read ${FWCONFIGDIR}/ipv${IPVER}/mss-clamp.conf successful"
while read -r interface mss type; do
while read -r interface mss type size; do
[[ ${interface} = \#* ]] && continue
[[ ${interface} = "" ]] && continue
[[ -z ${mss} ]] && mss="-"
[[ ${mss} == "-" ]] && mss="1400:1536"
[[ -z ${type} ]] && type="-"
[[ ${type} == "-" ]] && type="${OutFilter}"
[[ ${type} == "out" ]] && type="${OutFilter}"
[[ ${type} == "fwd" ]] && type="${FwdFilter}"
${debug} ${DebugColor} "${FUNCNAME}:${DEFAULT_COLOR} Read: ${interface} ${mss} ${type}"
[[ -z ${size} ]] && size="-"
[[ ${size} == "-" ]] && size="--clamp-mss-to-pmtu"
[[ ${size} != "-" ]] && size="--set-mss ${size}"
${debug} ${DebugColor} "${FUNCNAME}:${DEFAULT_COLOR} Read: ${interface} ${mss} ${type} ${size}"
${VER_IPTABLES} -A ${type} -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS \
--clamp-mss-to-pmtu -o ${interface} -m tcpmss --mss ${mss}
${size} -o ${interface} -m tcpmss --mss ${mss}
done < "${FWCONFIGDIR}/ipv${IPVER}/mss-clamp.conf"
${debug} ${DebugColor} "${FUNCNAME}:${DEFAULT_COLOR} done"